Getting Camera-Ready | Skincare

Today I'm writing for those of you who have had the thought this summer, "Oh yeaaaahhh…I need to get photos taken." It seems like I hear that comment every week! Whether you're thinking of headshots for that company publication or your LinkedIn profile, or of family portraits with your kiddo who has only had cellphone snapshots taken of them past newborn age, or of photography to market and boost the image of your blog or small business, this post is for you. Read along to learn about one major way you can get camera-ready!

I'll be honest: sometimes I majorly think ahead. I'll plan details for events that are coming up days or weeks ahead, and sometimes overlook those same details when the event arrives because I'm thinking even further ahead by that point! I annoy even myself with this habit sometimes, and I'm doing my best in this phase of life to slow down and be more present! However, I decided today to leverage my habit for planning details and share the spoils with you all! These are some tips I would give to any client who has an upcoming portrait session with me. Let's break it down and get you looking and feeling great!

1.  Depending on what type of portrait session you're having, some detail shots may be taken of your hands, feet, or face (fashion bloggers, creative craftspeople, and engaged couples, I'm looking at you)! Don't forget to think beyond the outfit you'll wear to see if your skin is looking happy and healthy!

2.  Maybe you're like me and you have dry skin seemingly aaaaaall the time. Not to worry! This just means the largest organ in your body may need a little extra TLC for this occasion. It's worth the extra time and it WILL make a difference in your photos, trust me!

3.  If #2 sounds like you, consider consistently using some moisturizer for your skin type at least 1-2 days before your session. Give your skin some extra time to soak it up and heal areas that are cracked or peeling. For serious moisturizing power, try hard lotion or a product that contains beeswax, which will seal in the treatment. Set an alarm on your phone for 2-3 times per day if you think you'll forget this step. Keep your lotion in your bag, in your desk, or wherever you will see it and be reminded to use it!

4.  Pay special attention to your hands, which take a beating every day! Pick up a manicure kit if you need one (This goes for dudes too, sorrynotsorry)! Even up fingernails and trim dry cuticles, or treat yourself to a professional mani-pedi so you have one less thing to think about!

5.  If you have acne that doesn't seem to leave you alone (or if you are prone to stress acne), ditch that cheap drugstore acne treatment that doesn't always work anyway and pick up something that will not only fight acne effectively, but will also nourish your skin. Yes, you CAN have both, and it's a wonderful thing!! My absolute favorite is the "outer peace" acne relief pads from Aveda. They are totally natural, feel amazing, and are 100% worth the extra cash! I picked these up after getting a free facial in one of the stores, and this is what they recommended for my skin's needs. FYI these worked like a charm when I was a few months out from my wedding (engagement photos were coming up!) and planning stress was running high, which was affecting my skin like crazy. 

6.  Exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate! Especially if you have dry skin! I make my own exfoliating paste from sugar, honey and olive oil, but again, don't be afraid to invest in something that works for your skin type. Dry, flaky skin makes for an uneven surface to apply makeup on, which in turn makes for a pretty unflattering effect. Bummer.

7.  Tools like oil blotting papers and HD Microfinish powder from Makeup For Ever are a godsend for those with oily skin, or for anyone who has an outdoor portrait session on a hot summer day! I keep these in my camera bag for exactly those occasions!

If this list was helpful, I would love to know! What tips would you add for getting your skin camera-ready?

These tips are part of the portrait session prep guide I'm working on writing, so keep your eyes open for more camera-ready goodness! Are there topics you'd like to see covered in the guide? Send me an email via the button below, or leave a comment!