Collaboration with City Sports

If you follow me on Instagram, you might remember that I've posted a few photos here and there in reference to my work with City Sports. And, if you've been following the brand in the news lately, you might also know that the company and all of its stores (spanning 6 states) are being liquidated as of just 11 days ago.

It's been especially sad to see City Sports go after experiencing firsthand just how involved they were with the communities around their stores (the athletes of Boston know this well), and what really great and dedicated people have spent their days helping to make the brand as iconic as it was.

I have to say though that this whole chapter of my life has come as a pleasant surprise that I'm now very grateful for. I never thought I would ever do product photography, much less for an athletic company (I care about being healthy, but I doubt I could ever call myself athleticI'm a yoga 1-2 times per week kinda girl). Little did I know that product lay downs could be done creatively and tastefully! Thanks to the help of the apparel buyers, graphic designers and merchandisers in the corporate office, I got to do some unique product photography for some of the City Sports emails, social media posts and store signage. I love that it was always a collaborative effort that brought in many people's visual perspectives. Today, I want to share a lineup of some of my favorite images I took for City Sports, partly as a way to bid farewell to this chapter of life and work.

Racquet sports players were all over the free in-store racquet stringing service!

"Kick Back In Classics" was a great footwear campaign. This was the storefront on Boylston St. including some of my shots of individual shoes printed on some banners. They were also incorporated on this mobile banner:

I loved this usage of product photography for in-store tech signage, to show off different technical features of athletic apparel. 

One of the first things I got to shoot for City Sports was their booth at the Boston Marathon Expo. I had never been before, so it was cool to have an insider view (and first dibs on some sweet tees)! It was HARD to make these expo shots look good though. The whole building is beige and yellow, and parts of it are awkwardly shaped—I had to avoid getting a big ugly pillar in most of my shots!

I loved this shot for the City Sports IG account!

This shot of a tee laydown may look familiar to you all. It was used in several Improper Bostonian ads among other things!

I wanted to own everything from the EveryWear collection (or Athleisure, as it was known around the office)! Images of models are by Josh Campbell, product shots are my own. 

And last but not least...the Staff Picks collection that landed me a window campaign hung in all 26 stores. The photos above were used in things like website banners and emails, and the images below are the finished window banner designs that hung side by side. 

Those City Sports tees are vintage now—keep wearing them with pride!

Lastly, I can't wait to start the next chapter of apparel and product photography! With a stack of catalog inspiration and all these images from the past year under my belt, I'm raring to go. If this sounds like what you or your company needs right now, I'd love to hear about it!